(This feature can only be accessed by the agency owner's account)
You can automatically assign a workflow when you mark a household as Quoted or Sold.
NOTE: A workflow will only automatically assign itself if there is not an already ACTIVE workflow on the household it is assigning itself to.
From the Workflows page, go to Workflow Settings
Then, choose Workflow Options
Under Workflow Options you will see the choice to turn on the automatic workflow assignment
Assign Workflow when Marked as Quoted
From the drop down, choose the workflow you would like to automatically assign to a household anytime the Mark as Quoted button is clicked.
Remember you will have to CREATE your desired workflow in order to see it as an option here. This will apply to the entire account across every user.
A good option here would be to create a Custom "Quote Follow-Up" workflow for your agency.
Assign Workflow when Marked as Sold
From the drop down, choose the workflow you would like to automatically assign to a household anytime the Mark as Sold button is clicked.
Remember you will have to CREATE your desired workflow in order to see it as an option here. This will apply to the entire account across every user.
A good option here would be to assign our Customer Onboarding Workflow that you can find in our Workflow Templates.
Make sure to save your Workflow Settings when done!
Click here to watch Automatic Workflow Assignment Video