How do I export my data from MVP? (Org Owner Only)

This feature can only be accessed by the org owner in MVP.

If you would like to export the data from your account, whether it’s to upload into your dialer, or just have it on hand, you can do so with a few quick steps.

First, you should know there are three types of exports:

  1. Organization - This will export ALL data from your account in an Excel workbook (data on separate tabs within the workbook).
  2. Leads Only - This will export ALL households that are in your LEADS onto a .CSV file (data on one sheet in excel) with basic contact information.
  3. All Households - This will export all LEADS, PROSPECTS, and CUSTOMERS onto a .CSV file (data on one sheet in excel) with basic contact information.


To begin, click the “+” next to your name and select Export History


Select your date range, then choose which type of export you would like to download. Once it has loaded, you can click on the file name to download it. 
Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.06.27 AM.png

Note: You can only do one export at a time. Some files are larger than others and may take a little more time to download.


ALL HOUSEHOLDS CSV Exports Includes:
Main Contact Name, User ID, User Name, Notes, Street Address, City, State, Postal Code, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Email, Amount Saved, Pipeline Date, Commercial Pipeline Date, Created At, Status, Preferences, Last Sales Activity At, Marketing Sources, Referral Source, Auto Prior Carrier, Auto Prior Renewal, Auto Prior Premium, Home Prior Carrier, Home Prior Renewal, Home Prior Premium, Household State, Your Auto Quote Carrier, Your Auto Quote Renewal, Your Auto Quote Premium, Your Home Quote Carrier, Your Home Quote Renewal, Your Home Quote Premium.

LEADS only CSV Export Includes:
Main Contact ID, Main Contact Name, User ID, User Name, Notes, Street Address, City, State,      Postal Code, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Email, Amount Saved, Pipeline Date, Commercial Pipeline Date, Created At, Status, Preferences, Last Sales Activity At, Marketing Sources, Referral Source, Auto Prior Carrier, Auto Prior Renewal, Auto Prior Premium, Home Prior Carrier, Home Prior Renewal, Home Prior Premium.

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