Understanding the Header bar and Transition States

Agency MVP’s header is where you will find the most important part of MVP – your call view pages.


Check out our guide on understanding call view pages here.   The different transition states in MVP include Leads, Prospects and Customers. However, MVP defines them a little bit different than you might be used to.


If you hover over the leads, prospects, and customers in the top, it will show you the number of households for you to call in each transition state.




A Lead is a household who you do not have permission to quote or do not have enough information to complete a full quote for.


  • An API Lead is a lead that was integrated into MVP.
  • My API Leads are leads that came in through the integration within MVP and was assigned to you upon entering your MVP account. You can learn how to automatically assign households to staff members here.
  • A Hot Lead is a Lead that was marked as Hot.
  • Leads are all of the Hot, Regular & Cold Leads that are assigned to you.


There are two different types of Prospects: Those who are awaiting a quote and those who you have already reviewed the quote with (Awaiting Quote & Reviewed Quote).


  1. An Awaiting Prospect is a Prospect you have quoted but have not gone over your quote with yet.
  2. A Quoted Prospect is a Prospect that you have gone over your quote with but have not closed the sale yet.


A Customer is either a Prospect you have marked as sold or a current customer from your book of business that you added by clicking Add Customer.


MVP splits your cross-sell opportunities up based on the line of business available. Click on the cross-sell opportunity in which you would like to work at this time: Auto, Home, Umbrella, Life, Specialty or Commercial.



Converting a Lead to a Prospect and then Customer

A household can start as either a Lead or a Customer. You must move your household through the sales process from a Lead to a Customer. 

  • Once you have spoken to your Lead, confirmed the household details, and completed your full quote you may click Convert to Prospect.
    • NOTE: The Convert to Prospect button will only appear once you enter in at least one of your quotes into MVP. 
  • Now this household will become an Awaiting Prospect. This means that you have completed your full quote, but they are still waiting to hear from you about your quote.
  • Once you review your quote with this household in detail, you will then click Mark as Quoted.

    • NOTE: You will notice that the button has now changed to Mark as Quoted.
  • Now this household will be a Quoted Prospect. This means that you have reviewed your quote in detail, but you have not yet closed the sale yet (If you did close the sale, proceed to the next step!)

  • Once you have sold a policy to a household, you will click on Mark as Sold.
    • NOTE: You will notice that the button has now changed to Mark as Sold.
  • Now, this household will be a Customer. This means that you have sold at least one policy to this household and they now exist in your current book of business.
    • NOTE: You will notice that the Mark as Sold button does not change once you mark a policy as sold. This is because you can mark multiple policies as sold. Itt now says Save Customer.
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