Understanding the Call View Pages
- A call view page is a list of households that need a phone call today.
- Call view pages are unique to each team member, as there is only one assigned owner of a household at a time.
NOTE: The API Leads call view page does NOT have any ownership, so this call view page will look the same for every team member - MVP’s smart algorithm ranks your call view pages in order of most valuable and most likely to close.
- Pipelining means hide this household until said date, no call attempt until said date.
- Agency MVP will not distract you with households that do not need a call today. You can find a pipelined household by using the Search bar.
IMPORTANT: Agency MVP will not distract you with Leads/Prospects that do not need a call today. You can find a Pipelined (“hidden”) Lead/Prospect by using the Search bar.
You can locate your call view pages by using the header bar at the top and clicking Leads, Prospects, or Customers and then using the filters to find the specific households you are looking for. See call filters to learn more.
A Lead is someone who you do not have permission to quote or do not have enough information to complete a full quote.
To access your Leads Call View Page, click on "Leads".
There are two different types of Prospects: Awaiting and Quoted.
An Awaiting Prospect is a Prospect you have quoted but have not gone over your quote with them yet, a Quoted Prospect is a Prospect that you have gone over your quote with but have not closed the sale yet (think of these as your Quotes Not Closed [QNC]).
To access your Prospects Call View Page, click on Awaiting or Quoted.
A Customer is either a Prospect you have Marked as Sold or a Current Customer from your book of business that has a Cross-Sell Opportunity.
TIP: Be sure to always add Current Customers using the +Add Customer button.
To access your Cross-Sell Opportunity Call View Pages, click on the Cross-Sell Opportunity in which you would like to work at this time: Auto, Home, Umbrella, Life, Specialty, or Commercial.