Email Signature

You can create a custom email signature from the My Account Settings page in your MVP account.


You can click Test Email Signature to see an example of what your signature will look like in an email

Note: If you are wanting an image in your email signature, it is best to upload the image from your computer using the MVP editor tool. See image below for reference.

Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 1.21.03 PM.png


This custom signature can be manually added to your workflow emails and will be automatically added to any Quote Comparison emails sent. 

To add your custom email signature to your workflow email action, simply check the Append customized signature to end of email box. This will have to be done for each individual email action within the workflow.


Note: If you have previously added a signature to your workflow email within the Action Template box, be sure to remove it so there are not two signatures in your email.


Example Signatures:

1. If you use a company such as SignaSource to create your email signature, you can download your signature image and upload it into MVP's Custom Signature box. You can also use HubSpot to create a signature, then copy and paste it into MVP. 

2. You can manually type in your signature and add links, images, etc. 

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