Bulk Pipelining

If you are wanting to pipeline households in bulk, you can do so from either the call view page, or upon importing a list of leads.

Call View Page Bulk Pipeline:

To start, click Update Multiple Households for more options to appear.

Once this appears, you'll find check boxes next to each household. You can select the households you would like to take action on, or you can click Select All Households.


Next, click Update Pipeline Dates. You will see a Pipeline Until box appear. 

Choose the date you would like to pipeline your selected households to and confirm you would like to pipeline your selected households. 

Once you confirm, your households will be removed from the call view page and pipelined until your chosen date. 


Import Bulk Pipeline:

When importing leads into your Agency MVP account, you will see an option to pipeline the list you will be importing. 


See Importing Leads for directions on how to import leads.

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