- TurboRater 2-Way Integration: This integration is a two-way integration from Agency MVP to TurboRater, and from TurboRater to Agency MVP. To learn more, click HERE!
- On your call view pages, you will now be able to tell at a glance which households have workflows assigned to them, which one it is, and when the next action will occur. You can also now filter to locate households that have a specific workflow assigned to them. In the "Filter by Workflow" drop-down, select a workflow, and MVP will filter out the rest.
- When MVP tries to send an SMS action from a workflow and discovers that a phone number is not a working cell phone number or the email is undeliverable, you can have MVP halt the entire workflow or skip to the next action.
To see this feature, click your name in the top right corner and click workflows. From there, click the green edit button next to one of the workflows. Then, scroll down to the email and text actions. At the bottom of each action, underneath the delivery settings, you'll see it defaults to skipping to the next action. However, you can select the halt workflow option instead if you would rather MVP stop the workflow.