This integration is a one-way export from Agency MVP to PL Rating. You will start your quotes in Agency MVP first, then by the click of a button, you can transfer all your data to PL Rating to rate your quotes. This integration will decrease your quote time by an average of 3-5 minutes per quote!

Set Up

  • In your Agency MVP account, click your name on the top right.
  • Choose My Account Settings from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter in your PLRater account name (login name) into the respective field.Click update.


    *This will need to be done for each staff member that will use this integration.


Getting Started

  1. From the quote sheet of a household, click “Add Quote+” for Your Quote
  2. Click “Save Lead” or “Save Prospect”
  3. You will see a “Send to PLRater” button appear, click that.

  4. Processing should take  no more than 30 seconds.
  5. Click the PL Rating URL.
  6. Fill in any required information that did not transfer & follow normal steps in PL Rating.
  7. Transfer your quote data back to MVP.


Expected Results

Please note that not all values within Agency MVP are supported or recognized by PL Rating, which prevents this data from being transferred. 

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