Creating X-Date Workflows

Lesson 7: Creating X-Date Workflows

What is a workflow?

A workflow is a series of email and text message actions that are automatically sent based on predetermined rules. Workflows should be created to reduce any redundant processes. 


What is an X-Date Workflow?

X-Date Workflows are workflows that target a household's x-date for auto, home, or commercial policies. These workflows will start and stop based on the delivery criteria within the workflow and the renewal dates for each individual household.  X-Date workflows will apply to a household for up to 2 years’ worth of renewal dates.

Note: X-Date Workflows can only target one line of business per workflow.


Criteria for using an X-Date Workflow:

     1. Third Party Renewal Date (if targeting competitor renewal date) or Your First Party Renewal Date           (if targeting renewal date on your sold policy)

     2. Must assign to household at least 45 days prior to their renewal date


Follow these steps to create an X-Date Workflow:

  1. Click "Create X-Date Workflow"
  2. Type in the name of the workflow you are creating.

Note:  You can create multiple of these so make sure to title them something that allows you to know what they are for when you go to assign them to a household.

  1. Select the policy type: Either Auto, Home, or Commercial
  2. Select which renewal date you would like the workflow to be based off of: Either Your Quote or Competitor QuoteScreen Shot 2023-07-25 at 9.53.04 AM.png
  3. Decide if you would like to utilize the delay settings. This will delay the workflow from starting based on savings so you'll need to know their current premium. But if you're more expensive by the amounts you enter into the boxes, then it will delay the workflow for either 1 or 2 years. IF you check the box next to "NO DELAY" it won't delay the workflow.

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     5. Select the staff members who should receive an audible & visible notification within their MVP account when a household replies to an automated text message.

Note: If the household already has an owner, then the owner of the household will receive these notifications. 

     6. Choose which staff member you want to receive all email replies from this workflow. Then, choose whose email address you want these emails to come from. (Note: The Reply To and From will default to the owner of the household [if there is one])Screen_Shot_2022-05-24_at_10.04.06_AM.png

7. Other Settings:
On-Failure Settings - If a specific workflow action fails (either due to bad phone number or invalid email), what you would you to happen to the workflow? You can either choose to halt the entire workflow or skip the failed action and attempt to send the next action. Our recommendation is to "Skip Action".
Opt-Out Continuation Options -  If a household responds "STOP" to a workflow text, this gives you the option to continue the workflow with your email/task actions.

     8. Add SMS and/or email actions. Type in the action templates of your choice.



     9. Select the number of days before or after the renewal date you would like each action to be sent. You also have the ability to choose the time of day. 


    10. Save Workflow!



IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TEXTING – It is highly suggested that you always make sure you have received consent to text prior to texting any households. To remain TCPA compliant, MVP will include an opt out message at least once every 30 days. It is not recommended to create workflows that involve texting if you are purchasing aged leads.
>Learn More about Texting in Agency MVP


Editing, Cloning, & Deleting Workflows

From the Workflows main page not only are you able to create workflows, but you can see any workflows that have been created within your agency. These are visible for every staff member. You have the option to edit, clone, or delete workflows.



Click “Edit” to edit a workflow that has already been created.

Tip: Reviewing & editing workflows should be done based on the response rates.


Click “Clone” to duplicate an entire workflow.

Tip: If you purchase leads from multiple providers, create one API Workflow, then clone that workflow to create an API Workflow for each lead provider. Make sure to change the name and the marketing source.


 Click “Delete” to delete an entire workflow.

Note: Once you delete a workflow, you cannot recover it.



Review Lesson 6: Custom Workflows

Go to Lesson 8: Managing Staff

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