Workflow Settings (Account Owner Only)

Workflow Settings allows you to customize your hours of availability, holiday hours, and workflow permissions for staff members. Watch our Workflow Settings video here.


The Agency MVP account owner can access workflow settings through the Account Information page or the Workflows page.





Hours of Availability

Here you can select your business hours for each day of the week. It will default to workflows being sent on Sunday-Saturday from 8am-8pm

You can edit which days of the week and times of day workflow messages can be sent.


Holiday Options

The federal holidays shown are defaults that cannot be changed. ALL workflows will be halted for the defaulted federal holidays.


If you would like to add a federal holiday you do not see on the list, you can click “Add Holiday” at the top right. This will show a drop down of other federal holidays that you can choose from. You will be able to customize the time of day for your selected additional holidays.



If you would like to add a “custom” holiday, such as a state celebrated holiday, you can choose “Add custom holiday” at the bottom of the holiday list.


If you only want workflows to halt for just this one date, check the “only once” box.

If you want workflows to halt for only part of the day on the manually added holiday, you can check the “partial day” box and choose your business hours for the day.


Workflow Options

  • If you would like your staff to be able to edit workflows, check the box next to “Allow Team Members to edit workflows”.
    • If you do not check this box, staff will only be able to view existing workflows and create new workflows.
  • Automatically Pipeline Households Assigned to X-Date Workflow
    • Check this box if you would like households automatically pipelined to their renewal date (MVP pipelines 30 days before renewal date), when you apply an X-Date workflow to the household.
    • If you assign the household an Auto X-Date workflow, it will pipeline to the auto renewal date listed. If you assign a Home X-Date workflow, it will pipeline to the home renewal date listed. 
  • You can also choose to automatically assign one of your created workflows when you either mark a household as quoted or sold. To learn more, see Automatic Workflow Assignment.

Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 9.35.59 AM.png

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